What if, instead of passively watching a two person stand-up interview, you could step in the shoes of the interviewer?
After our ATV experiment and scoop, we wanted to further explore if and how 360° video could enhance the classical interview format in journalism. For this new experiment, we wanted to give the viewer as much as possible the feeling that she impersonated the interviewer. The practical problem was: where do we mount the 360-camera so that the viewer really did get a 360° view? We did some experiments with a camera on the shoulder and with a helmet, but these weren’t satisfactory. The solution was a 3D-printed construction with two 360-camera’s on the interviewer’s head.

We also filmed the interview with a regular camera from a “classic” angle, so that we would have material for a control group in user tests.

The video is a shortened version of the 8′ interview. In the first 20 seconds of the fragment, interviewer Valeria is facing the side-camera, before she turns to the interviewee.

Interview: Valeria D’Andrea

Interviewee: Jeroen