After a master Communication (KU Leuven), Silvia Van Aken (PhD) acquired years of project experience in the broad communication and journalistic sector. In 2007 she started as a lecturer (interaction design methods) and researcher visual studies (LUCA School of Arts Genk). She supervised student projects on 360° video, VR, interactive stories and installations, including an expo for Cosmodrome Genk (June 2017) and the traveling expo Conn3ct (2016-2017), in cooperation with the Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheek and the KB in The Hague (European project).

In June 2016 she obtained a PhD in Social Sciences (KU Leuven) with the thesis The Labyrinth of the Mind. A Narrative and Stylistic Analysis of Van Dormael’s Mindfilms. She specialized in audiovisual and narrative techniques and in user experience. In this context she designed her own analysis model and gave lectures at national and international scientific conferences: including non-linear stories (Theater Academy Helsinki), adaptation of Incendie (VUB), Magritte’s Les amants & Van Dormaels Toto le héros (European Narratology Network Conference, University of London) (FWO travel grant). Since 2016 she has been working for Graphical & Digital Media as a lecturer and researcher for the research projects: AP Goes Digital and Image & Word (AP University College). Silvia is currently responsible for the Multidisciplinary PWO project Show & Tell.

Keywords: User Research | Immersive media | Printmedia | Digital media | Storytelling

Silvia Van Aken
Kristof Timmerman studied Product Design (AP University College), Theatre Sciences (University Antwerp) and Film and Video Art (AP University College). Since 2001, he is working as an industrial and graphical designer. He was an artistic associate for CREW, a famous Belgian theatre company that uses innovative technologies, such as omnidirectional camera and immersive techniques. In 2008, he founded the artistic company, Studio POK, which has realized several multimedia installations and performances in Flanders and the Netherlands.

Since 2016, Kristof teaches masterclasses for the Schools of Arts (AP University College and Sint-Lucas Antwerp), in cooperation with Janna Beck and MAXLab. Thanks to his many years of experience with technological and artistic research, he works now as a researcher and project coordinator for Show & Tell.

Keywords: Immersive media | Interactive installations | Interactive theatre

Jeroen Cluckers (° 1985, Hasselt, BE) is a video artist and filmmaker. He creates audiovisual dreamscapes that explore, question and transform the boundaries between fiction and reality, digital and analog, cinema and painting, image and imagination. Soon after obtaining his Master in Fine Art (Media Art at KASK Gent), his work was picked up internationally. Today it has been exhibited in more than 40 countries worldwide, at festivals, musea and galleries such as the ZKM, The Hermitage Museum, VIDEOEX, Hamburg International Short Film Festival, FILE, VIDEOFORMES, MAXXI Museum, Athens Digital Arts Festival and ISEA. He has received several awards, including Best 60 Seconds Film at the New York Film Week. Since 2017 he is connected to Graphical and Digital Media as a Lecturer-Researcher, and conducts research in immersive storytelling in the multidisciplinary research group Show & Tell.
Keywords: Video art, short film, experimental film, 360° video

Wannes Heirman (PhD) is a postdoctoral researcher and professor at the University of Antwerp and AP University College Antwerp. His research interests include various areas (e.g. online privacy and cyberbullying). He has published extensively on these topics in international peer-reviewed journals.
Wannes Heirman is also involved in several international research projects, including the COST Cyberbullying program funded by Europe and the World Internet Project (WIP). He was also involved in the two most recent publications of the Belgian Observatory for the Rights on the Internet (‘Cyber bullying on minors’ and ‘E-marketing and minors’). Recently he broadened his research interest by joining as Senior Researcher in the GIDZ (‘Gastgerichtheid In De Zorg’) project of AP University College.

Keywords: Online risks | surveys | patient centeredness | cyber bullying | privacy | user research

Wannes Heirman
Frederik Marain

Frederik Marain obtained a Master in Philosophy and a Master in Economics (KU Leuven). He also followed a MBA Strategy at Vlerick Leuven Gent Business School. From 1988 to 1996 he was a business editor at the newspaper De Standaard, where he reported on news and trends in Belgian and international business. In 1996, he became chief editor and Director Media of the Flemish Internet company Planet Internet Belgium, a company that he also founded. Currently, he is an independent internet journalist and self-employed internet strategy consultant.
Since 1999 Frederik teaches Online Journalism at different educational institutions: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Erasmushogeschool Brussel and AP University College Antwerpen. Frederik is a researcher for the Show & Tell project, for which he is doing journalistic experiments.

Keywords: Online journalism | Storytelling

Frederik Marain
Sven graduated as an Industrial Engineer at AP University College Antwerpen. After his studies he worked as a software designer/analyst for Agfa-Gevaert, first for the HealthCare unit, later for the graphical department, where he developed software for the next generation industrial inkjet printers. Since 2017 Sven is working as a lecturer for he AP University College, where he teaches web technologies for the educational programme Electronics-ICT. Together with Tom Peeters, he is a researcher for the Show & Tell project.

Keywords: Software, web technology

Sven Mariën
Tom Peeters graduated as a Master of Industrial Sciences, specialized in Electronics-ICT (Thomas More, Campus Geel). He started in 2003 as a software engineer and project manager for Agfa-Gevaert. Since 2009 he is lecturer software and web development for the educational programme of Electronics-ICT (AP University College). He is also responsible for the international collaboration projects of Electronics-ICT, therefore he gives guest lectures abroad: in Finland (Oulu), Austria (Skt-Pölten), etc.
Besides he is a senior researcher and has worked on several projects, such as AP Goes Digital (e-learning) and Show & Tell! Immersive Storytelling (a multidisciplinary project concerning VR, AR, 360° video). He is responsible for the technical aspects (Unity, smart objects) of the Show & Tell project.

Keywords: Software, web technology

Tom Peeters

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