What if, instead of just passively watching a television talk show, you could sit at the table and feel how it would be to take part in the debate?
Show & Tell started from this premisse and installed a 360° camera as the sixth participant at the table of local television ATV Sunday debate programme Wakker op Zondag.
As with most experiments in immersive storytelling, it’s too early to tell if this new journalistic format will have staying power. But we do believe it has potential.
Since we wanted to stream this scoop live, the technical set-up was no small feat:

(technical set-up coming soon)

We now had a regular television programme and its 360° variant, so we had the perfect setting for testing determinants of immersiveness with a control group of viewers who didn’t see the 360° variant. The outcome of the user test will be the subject of another post.

In the video, the live images start around 20′.